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Killerbee's Nali Weapons II X Monsterhunt Palace | Sponsored by ()mG
PLAYERS: 0 / 14
Killerbee's Unreal4Ever MH/UTMCoop/DM/CTF Palace | Sponsored by ()mG
PLAYERS: 0 / 14
Killerbee's Operation Na Pali | Sponsored by ()mG
PLAYERS: 0 / 16
Killerbee's Classic Deathmatch | Sponsored by ()mG
PLAYERS: 0 / 18
Killerbee's Funnel Palace | Sponsored by ()mG
PLAYERS: 0 / 6
Killerbee's Pleasure Palace | Sponsored by ()mG
PLAYERS: 0 / 14
Killerbee's Sniper Palace | Sponsored by ()mG
PLAYERS: 0 / 12
Killerbee's Gauntlet Monsterhunt | Sponsored by ()mG
PLAYERS: 0 / 14
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Posted by evilgrins
Doing this while having cereal...
25 Sep : 20:51

Posted by evilgrins
To almost the exception of everything else, I've b[more ...]
10 Sep : 22:54

Posted by evilgrins
These are 3 of the variant maps I made from MH-Bru[more ...]
27 Aug : 12:20

┼ R.I.P. ()mG.Pizzi ┼
Sad news received me this evening...

Pizzi, plays forever his Tournament i hope m8 u have a good time there...

Our beloved admin Pizzi passed away on Sunday, Sept. 21, 2014 at approximately 1AM his local time (GMT+1). We are deeply saddened by this event and will miss him terribly as i heard he died peaceful when he slept.

Pizzi i met u due BlackCrack after u and he left the Alienclan and BlackCrack wanted me to take him in my Clan and after we talked and played a bit i made him Admin on my servers.
Due my leak of running the servers i quited the scene and Pizzi took care of hosting them this time not from my home but he rented a real rackserver cause he wanted to do it more then good
for the servers and his players. I was not much there anymore but i looked from the background and keeped an eye on it..

When we talked and the last time was long ago... he said "u may and can change what u wanted" the servers will be online as a statue to u... dammit never had such honnor for what
did u die.. i cant understand this.

Life can be so cruel.... i noticed it already but it hurts again deeply.

I wish all the people around him all th best, Pizzi thnx for keeping the dream alive u wont be forgotten.


see also

Posted by Killerbee on Thursday 25 September 2014 - 00:22:58 | Add/Read Comments: 6
┼ R.I.P. ()mG.Pizzi ┼ Kelly | 25 Sep : 01:48
[ Starter ]
Comments: 1

Registered: 19 Jul : 14:25
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I'm deeply sorry for this, I know it has to hurt you Kb. Life is so incredibly precious, it's a shame it takes things like this to make us remember and appreciate it properly.

Rest well Pizzi. You will be missed.

┼ R.I.P. ()mG.Pizzi ┼ ck | 26 Sep : 00:43
[ Serious ]
Comments: 1

Registered: 23 Dec : 17:18
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This is a really really sad news.
Now I regret that I didn't show up for the last few (or many) month...
I never meet him in real life but I considered him a good friend.
I hope he is well wherever he is...
Blacky, Pornek, Obi and all other close friends: I wish you all the best and I hope you'll be well soon.
No, I can't write anything that makes sense right now... I just got the news.

┼ R.I.P. ()mG.Pizzi ┼ Toxic | 29 Sep : 17:50
[ Damn ]
Comments: 1

Registered: 20 Dec : 18:28
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As ck said, this is really sad news..
I haven't been around much lately but ocassionaly browse this site.
And all of a sudden i read this, i regret that i didn't play as often as i used to, especially since Pizzi was a very nice guy who never failed to make me laugh.

Pizzi i will never forget the fun times we've had and i'll drop by the server more in your honor.

Rest well
Greetings, Daniëlle

┼ R.I.P. ()mG.Pizzi ┼ Pizz@-Soldier | 08 Oct : 16:16
[ Damn ]
Comments: 3

Registered: 19 Dec : 10:08
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This news made me cry.. Another good friend has been lost.
I knew Pizzi for a long time, and we always had a good friendship.
He teached and helped me a lot, and so did I help him when he needed it.
We played many (late) hours together, and had fun every last second of it.
I am also sorry I was not around lately..
He already was happy I joined their new forum and was looking forward to see me more again. As Tox said we will never forget the great times we had together and the many tears we shared with laughing.

Rest in peace friend.

┼ R.I.P. ()mG.Pizzi ┼ clownMasterteo | 21 Nov : 00:45
[ Damn ]
Comments: 2

Registered: 11 Jan : 19:36
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I can't belive it. Reading this suddenly... poor Pizzi.
I have much to say, but sadly i can't express what i feel in english.

Poor Pizzi...

┼ R.I.P. ()mG.Pizzi ┼ [SPX]-Spronx | 09 Apr : 02:53
[ Beginner ]
Comments: 1

Registered: 20 Dec : 05:48
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Wow, it's been such a long time since I've been here, and I'm deeply sorry for his passing I hate myself that I didn't know about this earlier. I've known Pizzi since our days in the Alienclan (_@_) far before ()mG existed. He was such a friendly, cooperative and positive guy always with something fun to talk about. All the times we gamed he was like a gaming brother to me whether we talked about the game or something in life he would listen. I wish him the best in the afterlife and of course I know he's up there still be the awesome friendly person he's always been, and of course gaming it up. RIP Pizzi (_@_)

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bullet clownMasterteo
07 Oct : 20:48
Already 7 years...may him rest in peace.
bullet OmG.Fubar
21 Sep : 10:57
Today is the 7th anniversary of the loss of our Pizzi. Please take a moment and think about him gaming in the ultimate Unreal Tournament. I miss my friend.
bullet Killerbee
14 Sep : 13:07
Roger that, on my way!
looking from the background :)
bullet OmG.Fubar
11 Sep : 03:59
Yeah...still here :)
bullet evilgrins
10 Sep : 22:54

Game Server
Killerbee's Stronger Monster Playground | Sponsored by ()mG
PLAYERS: 0 / 16
Killerbee's Nali Weapons 3 Monsterhunt Palace | Sponsored by ()mG
PLAYERS: 0 / 16
Killerbee's Monsterhunt Palace | Sponsored by ()mG
PLAYERS: 0 / 16
Killerbee's UT Survival | Sponsored by ()mG
PLAYERS: 0 / 12
Killerbee's Pleasure Palace | Sponsored by ()mG
PLAYERS: 0 / 14
Killerbee's Fourfold Funserver | Sponsored by ()mG
PLAYERS: 0 / 14
Killerbee's SiegeXtreme | Sponsored by ()mG
PLAYERS: 0 / 18
Killerbee's SMH Testserver | Sponsored by ()mG
PLAYERS: 0 / 10
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