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Game Server
Killerbee's Nali Weapons II X Monsterhunt Palace | Sponsored by ()mG
PLAYERS: 0 / 14
Killerbee's Unreal4Ever MH/UTMCoop/DM/CTF Palace | Sponsored by ()mG
PLAYERS: 0 / 14
Killerbee's Operation Na Pali | Sponsored by ()mG
PLAYERS: 0 / 16
Killerbee's Classic Deathmatch | Sponsored by ()mG
PLAYERS: 0 / 18
Killerbee's Funnel Palace | Sponsored by ()mG
PLAYERS: 0 / 6
Killerbee's Pleasure Palace | Sponsored by ()mG
PLAYERS: 0 / 14
Killerbee's Sniper Palace | Sponsored by ()mG
PLAYERS: 0 / 12
Killerbee's Gauntlet Monsterhunt | Sponsored by ()mG
PLAYERS: 0 / 14
Game Server
Latest Forum Posts
Posted by evilgrins
Doing this while having cereal...
25 Sep : 20:51

Posted by evilgrins
To almost the exception of everything else, I've b[more ...]
10 Sep : 22:54

Posted by evilgrins
These are 3 of the variant maps I made from MH-Bru[more ...]
27 Aug : 12:20

Chatbox (all posts)

bullet clownMasterteo on Thursday 07 October 2021 - 20:48:22
Already 7 years...may him rest in peace.
bullet OmG.Fubar on Tuesday 21 September 2021 - 10:57:15
Today is the 7th anniversary of the loss of our Pizzi. Please take a moment and think about him gaming in the ultimate Unreal Tournament. I miss my friend.
bullet Killerbee on Tuesday 14 September 2021 - 13:07:16
Roger that, on my way!
looking from the background :)
bullet OmG.Fubar on Saturday 11 September 2021 - 03:59:09
Yeah...still here :)
bullet evilgrins on Friday 10 September 2021 - 22:54:07
bullet evilgrins on Wednesday 18 August 2021 - 06:32:44
How's everybody doing?
bullet evilgrins on Tuesday 15 June 2021 - 07:43:19
I mostly play offline, and lately I've primarily been in a CTF mood.
bullet clownMasterteo on Saturday 15 May 2021 - 11:45:29
Hi all from your favourite (clown)! Still alive and kicking, like they say? Today i just wanted to share the fact that i started playing with you all (and become a clown clan member) when i was 13. Now i'm 32 but i still am around this site...we should really start playing again on a regular base, even if only like 1 evening per week on a server that we schedule
bullet evilgrins on Sunday 09 May 2021 - 20:49:49
Happy Mother's Day!
bullet OmG.Fubar on Sunday 28 March 2021 - 01:26:23
bullet evilgrins on Friday 26 March 2021 - 07:58:38
bullet OmG.Fubar on Thursday 24 December 2020 - 07:38:29
Merry Christmas & Happy Holidays to all our gamers!
bullet tugo on Monday 07 December 2020 - 15:26:57
Hello everyone, best wished for all in this holidays, i want to play like the old days, on the ut server. if someone wants to play, i am available.
bullet OmG.Fubar on Wednesday 04 November 2020 - 17:58:13
It is time for the annual server payment. We need 146€ ($177) this month. If anyone can help out it would be greatly appreciated.
bullet OmG.Fubar on Friday 09 October 2020 - 18:14:13
bullet OmG.Fubar on Friday 09 October 2020 - 18:13:58
To view current players you can use UT-TurboCheck or our trackers on the website:

bullet Pizz@-Soldier on Thursday 08 October 2020 - 14:20:30
hey why don't we have a cute little discord server to see who's around and to see if they're playing or down to do so
bullet evilgrins on Wednesday 09 September 2020 - 23:02:30
Other than monthly screenshot posts, I'm still around. I'm just mostly doing edits of CTF of late and this place is mostly MH.
bullet evilgrins on Wednesday 26 August 2020 - 17:39:16
Since my last, we had a number lightning storms and now much od the surrounding area is on fire. Whee!
bullet OmG.Fubar on Thursday 20 August 2020 - 23:47:22
Daily in the mid-nineties with heat indexes in the mid-hundreds (106 today)
bullet evilgrins on Thursday 20 August 2020 - 22:18:14
My neck of the woods, SF Bay Area, is going through a heatwave. Triple-digit temps. How's it going where you all live?
bullet evilgrins on Monday 15 June 2020 - 09:51:03
*throws water balloons at clown*
bullet clownMasterteo on Monday 01 June 2020 - 20:33:06
A (clown) has to do what a (clown) has to do, as my dear clanmates teached me years ago.
The last (clown) is still around. As long as we remember the game, we can soon or later decide to return. So, as long as we are around, UT99 and our clans will never die!
bullet evilgrins on Thursday 28 May 2020 - 17:26:24
I never miss the game, even when I don't play for awhile it's still always on my computer in 2 different directories (my original install & the one I setup in 2011). UT forever!
bullet Toxic on Monday 27 April 2020 - 11:17:49
Still around, I miss this game but i'm so busy these days. Hope everyone is doing ok :D
bullet OmG.Fubar on Sunday 12 April 2020 - 20:12:29
Wishing everyone has a safe & Happy Easter
bullet OmG.Fubar on Saturday 28 March 2020 - 18:44:36
Happy Birthday Pizz@-Soldier :)
bullet Pizz@-Soldier on Wednesday 25 March 2020 - 11:53:36
Well we're in sort of lockdown over here. Been in the hospital myself before last weekend due to another random pneumothorax, but I'm fine now. Was about to start to work again, in landscaping, guess that'll have to wait for a while, while I recover from this silly thing.
bullet OmG.Fubar on Tuesday 24 March 2020 - 10:58:26
I have been working from home since 2002 so not much has changed for me except online ordering of supplies has increase in difficulty & price.
bullet evilgrins on Monday 23 March 2020 - 08:15:46
How's the Covid-19 situation treating everyone? I'm still working, so far.
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most ever online: 3846
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Members: 52
Newest member: palugo

Current: € 0
Target: € 146
Due Date: 02/28/2025

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bullet clownMasterteo
07 Oct : 20:48
Already 7 years...may him rest in peace.
bullet OmG.Fubar
21 Sep : 10:57
Today is the 7th anniversary of the loss of our Pizzi. Please take a moment and think about him gaming in the ultimate Unreal Tournament. I miss my friend.
bullet Killerbee
14 Sep : 13:07
Roger that, on my way!
looking from the background :)
bullet OmG.Fubar
11 Sep : 03:59
Yeah...still here :)
bullet evilgrins
10 Sep : 22:54

Game Server
Killerbee's Stronger Monster Playground | Sponsored by ()mG
PLAYERS: 0 / 16
Killerbee's Nali Weapons 3 Monsterhunt Palace | Sponsored by ()mG
PLAYERS: 0 / 16
Killerbee's Monsterhunt Palace | Sponsored by ()mG
PLAYERS: 0 / 16
Killerbee's UT Survival | Sponsored by ()mG
PLAYERS: 0 / 12
Killerbee's Pleasure Palace | Sponsored by ()mG
PLAYERS: 0 / 14
Killerbee's Fourfold Funserver | Sponsored by ()mG
PLAYERS: 0 / 14
Killerbee's SiegeXtreme | Sponsored by ()mG
PLAYERS: 0 / 18
Killerbee's SMH Testserver | Sponsored by ()mG
PLAYERS: 0 / 10
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