Hello all. I've been working on a map a few hours. And I want to share the results :). I don't have very much time, cause of school and other things. The name might be changed soon, I just gave it a random name lol.
So here are some screenshots;
So that's what i've got till now. Ill update this topic soon (:
[LOL, took me 6 times to get the screenshot's right] [One of the walls in the big room have different textures, misclicked :) ]
I still have the Version of this Map you sended to me, you know that I save all things I get... But sadly this is a very soon Version with only 2 Rooms :-( Maybe you should send me Updates of your Maps spaced to have a Backup *lol* As you like me to send you this Version, please look out for me on X-Fire.